Monday, August 4, 2008

Bangkok part 3

This post may be a little politically incorrect, but...

We found this book at the Koh Samui airport. I decided to take a picture of it:We laughed our butts off when we first read it! This is a how-to book on how to hook up with Thai girls! We see SOOO many farengs with thai girls, especially on our beach the airport, in the towns, even in the resorts... I don't understand it. ESPECIALLY when the "thai girls" are SHE-MALES (YIKES!) (We saw this once this time AND last time...) I guess the Thai girls have nothing to vacation.

Anyways, the hotel suite here is HUGE. We are on the 28th floor. When I interviewed the PR, she mentioned that our suite cost 60000 baht/night! Do the math, divide it by 33. As the wife mentioned, it's bigger than our apartment back home PLUS one of our classrooms.

We were stuck in traffic on the way to Mah Boon Krong, a HUGE shopping area. This place has everything you could ask for, from Cell phones to purses to clothing to fake makeup. This was the first time we could make it there despite it being our 3rd time here.

Taxi drivers must be so patient:
Sooo many of these t-shirts, but they wouldn't much budge on the bargaining...I didn't end up getting one of these.

Need a belt?

Last time we were here, the wife couldn't stop looking at these $6 bags. She never even used any of the many that she bought then. This time, she didn't buy a single one (thankfully)

This clock store looks like a scene from a scary movie.

My last meal in Thailand...$1 pad thai and a $1 apple smoothie.

Bangkok at night

Well, it was an awesome 18 days here in Thailand. We're off to Singapore. But no more hotels. We're staying with family. Lots of eating ahead. I can't believe I haven't gained A SINGLE POUND...we'll see if that continues.

1 comment:

Ange of the North said...

UNBELIEVABLE hotel room... suite... apartment!!!